Here is an example of another way I find inspiration for some of my environments. I call them "wallscapes" because I generate the the first image by pacing my camera on a wall and taking a picture. The wall then becomes the ground plane for my rendering and anything sticking out from the wall becomes the start for my architecture. In this case the raw image is a wallscape of the building on the corner of Younge and Dundas in Toronto. The other two images are stages of the work-in-progress of this piece. You can see I still have quite aways to go. I hope I can get it done before BLAST needs to go to press. If not, it goes into my educational book which is going to be my winter project.
BTW if you want to be keep in the know about when my next workshop will be happening hit me up on Facebook or follow this blog.
That's genius!
I'm really looking forward to trying this technique out!
Cheers Scott!
Very good work, saludos desde España
Love the changes from step 2 to the final, its nice to try to understand why you made those changes and learn that way. Cheers!
I'm a big fan of your work! I have a question about process for this piece: is image1 an actual photograph over which you paint digitally? or do you recreate the photo in digital paint and build upon it? thanks Scott!!
Thanks all.
Unknown, yes the first image is a photograph that I then paint over in Photoshop.
Amazing work man. Always coming up with new ideas. Hope to meet you someday. I'm really getting into industrial design. Wish I could spot you in Toronto.
anyway, peace.
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