My arm is beat today, so no new bots...yet.
In the meantime as the release date for DRIVE draws near I thought I would share two more final spreads from the book which I will be showing in its entirety via a Powerpoint presentation at the College for Creative Studies in Detroit next Thursday night the 3oth at 6pm.
If and it is a big "IF" all goes well I may have a very limited number of air-shipped advance copies of the book for sale just before my lecture. I'll post it here first if this is going to happen or not.
Nice, that top one is bloody awesome! :)
Mr. Robertson
Would you mind if I showcase your book's artwork on my blog, facebook, etc? These vehicles are so good I gotta post em!
very cool
all the best,
Hey hey! That's me in there! Awesome job on the book. :)
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