Hi all. Thought it was time to create a blog in addition to my current Drawthrough website.
I will post my quick sketches here, both book related and misc. Enjoy.
September 24, 2010
ship warm up sketches
Starting to get back into sketching ships again, revisiting some past ideas. Same technique as previous post.
Man I love the way you think and draw. Ive been watching your vids on gnomon! theyre really helping me out and youre so informative. Im going to AAU next year, so Im trying to get better at different perspective drawings myself. Thanks for the videos and I will be getting your book!
Man I love the way you think and draw. Ive been watching your vids on gnomon! theyre really helping me out and youre so informative. Im going to AAU next year, so Im trying to get better at different perspective drawings myself. Thanks for the videos and I will be getting your book!