Finally, I have decided to offer an online course. I will be teaming up with Schoolism to offer a 9-lecture rendering course over 14 weeks with a focus on rendering reflective surfaces and material indication in Photoshop. Space is limited to 15 students. A self taught version of the course will be offered as well after the conclusion of the 9-lecture one. Hope you can join me for this exclusive experience.
Awesome, the curriculum looks great! Do you think you'll be running another session in 2013 as well?
- Matt
No plans to do it again....yet.
I am Chinese id student,and a big fan of you,I want to know how can I access to learn this currirulum on schoolism?
Vow Sole,
Thanks. Just go to this page for more information.
Hi Scott,
On the Schoolism site, it says it's over 14 weeks but on this blog post, you say it's over 9 weeks. Would you please comment on this discrepancy? Thanks.
There are 9 lectures over 14 weeks. The added time is for your final project and most lectures are posted roughly every 10 days or so. I should change my description to "9-lecture course." Going to do it now.
Hi, Scott! I'm in the class! I'm excited and ready to go.
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