Hey All,
Happy Holidays!
BLAST is now complete and off to press! I'm very happy with the book the guys put together. We expect it to arrive back here for sale in March. It's nice to have it all wrapped up before the holidays. Here are a couple of spreads from Annis Naeem, Danny Gardner and myself from the final book as well as the finished cover just completed this morning. Head on over to the DSP site and reserve a copy! By getting on the list you will be assured to get notified of the even sweeter deals and a special edition we have planned for the release of the book.
Thanks again to all for the the words of encouragement during the development of the book. Always helps as these self generated books can be tough to complete.
Now onto the next one, err...make that 3!
Very cool Scott! Looking forward to this one. Have a good holiday! :)
Thanks Ben, you too.
You coming by for a visit?
Looks amazing! Im pumped :)
Already reserved
This stuff is jawdropping. I can't wait to see the rest.
Will there be a digital version offered as a bundle? I live overseas and won't see the paperback I order soon.
Amazing work. Can't wait to see the finished product.
I'm really looking forward to this one. So far I have all your books and your just keeps getting more and more impressive. Your art is very inspirational
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