I had to add an image after going for three in a row with only text.
These little guys are for the book BLAST I'm working on with Annis and Danny.
Hi all. Thought it was time to create a blog in addition to my current Drawthrough website. I will post my quick sketches here, both book related and misc. Enjoy.
these look really fresh scott!
Love em all.
Thanks. I hope to get back to some more traditional sketching like these soon.
Wow those have really nice sort of toyish quality to them, really original !
Thanks, that was the goal.
Looks so cool!
Silver MLM
Very cool Scott! Thanks for the inspiration.
The problem with your designs is....... I want to create every single on of them in 3D!
I'm guessing these were inspired by fish? They all a very aquatic feel to them.
Me too, but alas no extra time to do so. No specific fish inspiration. I started with the idea of doing a little ship based on a sphere and then squeezed it a bit. The end results after adding some control surfaces are definitely fish-like.
Well they turned out really great. I like how they have a certain personality to them, like they aren't just ships, but almost characters. Maybe I'll give a quick go at modeling one in Modo. ;)
That would be very cool and if you can get the model done soon and it looks good I could do up some renders of it in modo and include them in the book with you credited as the modeler.
That would be amazing. I'll take a stab at it and we'll go from there. Do you have a publicly available email I could email you at?
Cool, use: scott@drawthrough.com
Hey! Loving your designs! Do you think I could take a shot at modeling one of these? =D
Sure go ahead.
Please send me a jpeg of the model when you get it far enough along. scott@drawthrough.com
I surely will, Scott! Thank you so much! Do you have this in a bigger resolution?
Oh, and Scott, can you tell me which of these is Andy modelling? Maybe it would be more interesting for all of us if I modeled a different one! :)
Here's the image I made with one of your podships, on deviantART: http://thesphinx.deviantart.com/art/BLAST-296905968
Thank you
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