We have been working hard and today we reached a milestone for the completion of DRIVE, all of the art is complete! Here are few spreads and the final cover of the book. The first 65 pages of text are done as well and I will have the rest done by the end of this week. We will be showing an HP designjet proof of the entire book at Comic Con next week. You can find us at the same location as in year's past, booth 1701. If you are at the show please swing by and have a peek at our latest books.
Wow! Feels so awesome!!
Amazing work! Congratulations!
Looking awesome! Does the book have an expected release date?
Looking good Scott, and congrats on getting all the art done! I can't wait to get my hands on this!
Great Scott, my compliments!!! :D
Great stuff, Scott. Looking forward to seeing the final product!
Can't wait to buy this one. Surely it will be an inspiration.
Thanks All,
The book should be here by the end of November, hopefully earlier as I want to debut it at Lucca Comics and Games in Italy, November 1st if all goes well with printing.
looks amazing Scott, From the sketches to the 3D comps, can't wait to see it all!
were you using Modo?
Amazing design!
All the best,
Mariusz Kornatka
Amazing design!
All the best,
Mariusz Kornatka
Coool stuf. That top up view is realy cool ... By the way, I've started to work on this sort of "pit stop" series while ago and everyone will blame me for epigony. ;-)
Alxart, yes modo is great and I used it a lot throughout the book.
Checked out your work and it's looking cool, keep it up!
scoro: thanks for keeping my head up! Got so many requests to finaly make my very own artbook, but then again: time, time ...
Anyways, I will definitely buy your book. It's nice to see that you are not stagnant. There is definitely lot of progress in details level, in a form languague. Nice stuff!
Just wondering: is it only us, creative profesionals, or anyone else curious about the stuff we do?
I know you Scott , and I'm one of your fans...
About you 3D Works, What kind of software did you use always and what is your suggestion about D software for Stylist and designers?
Great work Scott. I will order the book too. I hope you answer Barkhordary's question as I am also interested in your answer.
I do hard surface modeling in Maya but your opinion on Maya vs Max vs Modo for this kind of work would be highly appreciated.
I can create any shape I want in Maya but I always wonder if I am missing out on better work flow and if I should jump into Modo too.
MIchal, yes more and more people are discovering what we do as a possible profession for themselves and also as an artform.
barkhordary, I have become a big fan of modo. I do not have experience with the other 3D programs beyond SketchUp. From what I have heard modo is a much easier interface to grasp than the others and the rendering engine is much, much easier to use. I started learning modo to render and I have now started to slowly work on my modeling skills.
Z, you might try modo first for rendering. Bring your models from other programs into modo and try out how easy it is to set up HDRI renderings for example.
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