Here are a few tests I've done in Alchemy.
Fun program, check it out at al.chemy.org.
Hi all. Thought it was time to create a blog in addition to my current Drawthrough website. I will post my quick sketches here, both book related and misc. Enjoy.
These are some great results from alchemy. Ive been experimenting with it as well, and I must say what a blast. Thanks for posting these.
Alchemy is a very cool program to play with the forms and shapes as you mastering do.
really nice results
visit my blog if you like art and philosofy
came acroos this tut on ps cs4 ext - creates some cool effects in 3d - landscapes etc.
Nathan, just watched the tut. interesting if you do not already know a good 3D program. I'm doing similar things in modo right now with much more control of lighting, atmosphere and materials. Thanks for the link to the tut. always interested in process!
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