This piece is most likely not going to make it in time for the finished book.
Maybe it will find a way into the 2nd Edition.
Hi all. Thought it was time to create a blog in addition to my current Drawthrough website. I will post my quick sketches here, both book related and misc. Enjoy.
these are great! awesome design
nice piece!
Fantastic! Looking forward to getting the book! I was wondering... can some of these things be food for one of its compeditors? Could get gory.
Amazing piece! Lots of depth!
As ever amazing work, I love the light, scene and color contrast!
You think to will come back to Lucca Comics this year?
freakin sweet
cnt wait to buy those Alien Race books >_<
I can see a lot of SydMead and Sparth influence in this image.Even a bit RyanChurch.
try harder_
I really love this one. awesome painting!
The composition is very tight, framing the action and directing the eye. Stellar architecture, nice mix of organic curve with inorganic material
Luiz Janiques, parabéns seu trabalho impressiona especialmente os seres são muito bem feitos e os carros eu achei lindo o seu trabalho. Abraços do Luiz Janiques do brasil.
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