Finally, I have decided to offer an online course. I will be teaming up with Schoolism to offer a 9-lecture rendering course over 14 weeks with a focus on rendering reflective surfaces and material indication in Photoshop. Space is limited to 15 students. A self taught version of the course will be offered as well after the conclusion of the 9-lecture one. Hope you can join me for this exclusive experience.
Hi all. Thought it was time to create a blog in addition to my current Drawthrough website. I will post my quick sketches here, both book related and misc. Enjoy.
September 25, 2012
9-lecture online rendering course!
Finally, I have decided to offer an online course. I will be teaming up with Schoolism to offer a 9-lecture rendering course over 14 weeks with a focus on rendering reflective surfaces and material indication in Photoshop. Space is limited to 15 students. A self taught version of the course will be offered as well after the conclusion of the 9-lecture one. Hope you can join me for this exclusive experience.
September 18, 2012
Workshop preview notes/images
Just added a few teaching examples I'm busy compiling for this Sunday's workshop. Click here for the sneak peek. We still have some space left for the workshop so if you need help understanding reflections and how to go about rendering them in Photoshop check out the workshop website.
September 16, 2012
Cad Junkie interview
Last week I had a nice chat with Adam and Josh over at Cad Junkie. Listen here.
September 13, 2012
SR Workshop number 2!
Announcing my next workshop, Drawing and Sketching on Sunday October 21st here at my studio. Also I imagine remaining open spots will start to disappear quickly now as we get closer to the first workshop on the 23rd, Rendering Reflective Surfaces so book a seat before they are gone.
September 3, 2012
Orb Ship model kit now open for pre-orders!
Get in on the fun and pre-order my Orb Ship model kit from Industria Mechanika.
Limited numbers available.