November 17, 2008

Return to HQ

Alchemy again.

November 14, 2008

Alchemy tests

Here are a few tests I've done in Alchemy.
Fun program, check it out at

November 5, 2008

Lucca environment sketch

This was a quick environment I painted up last Sunday, again at the show as a demo for passers-by. Threw the other aliens in at the end to spice it up a bit.

Lucca Comics and Games aliens

Here are a couple of quick alien demo renderings I did while sitting in Lucca, Italy at our DSP booth over last weekend. Both the bird-bee thing and the alien head were painted over the same source, a piece of crumpled up paper, again shot inside Photo Booth using the "mirror filter." I will be further documenting this process inside one of our next DSP books, Alien Race.

July 12, 2008

Race scene in progress.

This piece is most likely not going to make it in time for the finished book.
Maybe it will find a way into the 2nd Edition.