November 17, 2008

Return to HQ

Alchemy again.

November 14, 2008

Alchemy tests

Here are a few tests I've done in Alchemy.
Fun program, check it out at

November 5, 2008

Lucca environment sketch

This was a quick environment I painted up last Sunday, again at the show as a demo for passers-by. Threw the other aliens in at the end to spice it up a bit.

Lucca Comics and Games aliens

Here are a couple of quick alien demo renderings I did while sitting in Lucca, Italy at our DSP booth over last weekend. Both the bird-bee thing and the alien head were painted over the same source, a piece of crumpled up paper, again shot inside Photo Booth using the "mirror filter." I will be further documenting this process inside one of our next DSP books, Alien Race.